
Makani Technologies LLC

Makani is a leading industrial developer of airborne wind energy.

Kitepower BV

The spin-off from Delft University of Technology is a leading commercial developer for mobile airborne wind energy systems based on flexible wing technology.

Skysails Power GmbH

Originally designed for ship traction, the company is exploring the use for electricity generation.

Kitemill AS

Norwegian developer.

Kiteswarms Ltd

A spin-off from the University of Freiburg.

Ampyx Power BV

Ampyx Power was founded in 2008 as a spin off from TU Delft, developing an AWE system based on rigid wing technology. The commercial goal of the company is energy generation on utility scale.

Skysails GmbH

Skysails GmbH is the market and technology leader in the field of automated towing kite systems. Since 2001, the company has developed propulsion kites of up to 400 m² wing surface area for ship propulsion and energy production purposes.

Xsens Technologies BV

Xsens is a leading innovator of 3D motion capture products based on miniature MEMS inertial sensor technology. Core innovations are multi-sensor data fusion algorithms for seamless interaction between physical and digital worlds.

Enerkíte GmbH

Established in 2010, Enerkíte is a spin off from TU Berlin and University of Stuttgart. Aiming first at flexible membrane wing technology, the company is now developing a swept, rigid wing that is controlled by several winches on the ground.