Guidelines for publication input

We use the academic admin tool for importing publications from a central bibliography file (bibliography.bib).

Works with standard version of academic admin Tool

academic import --bibtex content/publication/bibliography.bib --overwrite

  • The publication abstract is imported via the bibtex field abstract.
  • The month and year of the publication are imported via the fields month and year.

Works only with my own fork of the tool

  • Biblatex date format works
  • Files cite.bib are generated
  • Field entry projects can be used to specify project association


  • Do not use dots to abbreviate middle initials in the BibTeX file. This disturbs the recognition of author names.
  • There is one BibTeX entry Folkersma2019a which includes a Latex formula in the abstract. The admin tool does not transfer this properly to the markdown file, and for this reason I have kept this single entry in a separate file bibliography2.bib which needs to be processed separately.
  • Also included in bibliography2.bib are PhD theses for which the publication entry needs to be populated manually (this could also be coded into the academic tool)
Roland Schmehl
Associate Professor

Interested in multi-disciplinary research and computational fluid dynamics.